linea CLUB: loyalty rewarded

Enjoy discounts and exceptional benefits by traveling regularly!

To thank you for your trust, we have created the linea CLUB, a completely free and open loyalty program that rewards each of your crossings between Corsica and the mainland*

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Join a community of privileged members

Benefit from numerous advantages such as a dedicated customer service and special offers upon registration, access a status adapted to your travel habits & accumulate points with each crossing that turn into vouchers as you travel.


Join the CLUB

Free and open to everyone, simply register for the program through our Mon Compte space to enjoy all the benefits of the CLUB, all year long.
You will then start to accumulate points with each of your bookings & onboard expenses during trips between the Mainland and Corsica*


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Your loyalty card always with you

Your loyalty card is systematically integrated into the program's regular emails, and it's always available in your dedicated loyalty space (accessible as soon as your registration is confirmed).

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Want to know everything about the linea CLUB loyalty program? Consult the dedicated program page!